technological flow sheet

英 [ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl fləʊ ʃiːt] 美 [ˌteknəˈlɑːdʒɪkl floʊ ʃiːt]

网络  工艺流程图



  1. Structure and characteristics of rotating film-evaporator are introduced, its new type and technological process have been developed to remedy the defects of the original type and flow sheet.
  2. Study on the Technological Flow Sheet of processing a Refractory Copper Sulphide Ore
  3. Inertia cone crusher is a high-efficiency, super-fine crushing equipment with the unique principle and structure. It can realize "selective crushing" and meet the requirements for "increase crushing and decrease grinding" technological flow sheet.
  4. The main technical parameters of the cyanide leaching of gold concentrate are explored, the leaching conditions are optimized, the technological flow sheet perfected, the gold leaching rate improved, and the production cost dropped.